Kaleo Glenn Coryell
Kaleo, owner of Aloha Ash Scattering Company, was born and raised in Hawaii. After his father passed in 2001, he scattered his fathers ashes on the slopes of beautiful Halaeakala Crater on Maui. When his mother came to visit, he took her to the site the ashes were scattered. The location's beauty and the thoughtfulness of his actions moved his mother to ask him to do the same for her. Then she asked him to offer this service to her friends. This is how Aloha Ash Scattering came to be. Since then, we have helped hundreds of families scatter their loved ones ashes in a professional and caring way.
Kaleo is a very compassionate person and is sensitive to the needs of clients. His island insights and guidance are invaluable. In public life, he was an associate pastor and is active in nature conservation and Hawaiian rights. In private life, he has a nursery of native Hawaiian plants and trees. He has always worked with farm animals and trained dogs all his life. He loves the outdoors and has been an avid surfer and hiker since he was a little boy.
Kaleo oversees and administers all the ash scatterings. You should be confident that this valuable task is in his kind hands.
Sundra Yim
Sundra is the manager of Aloha Ash Scattering Company. She has lived in Hawaii for most of her life. She enjoys her many dogs and loves to surf. She understands the importance of ash scattering decisions. When her mom passed in 2007, she scattered her ashes at her favorite surf spot. A year later, she scattered her dog, Rocky, at the same spot. It is a beautiful beach and she remembers them every time she surfs there.

808-633-1450 (Island Direct)